Expand your brand's exposure - Evolutionary Casual Games

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How to expand your brand’s exposure using browser games

You could reach a global audience with a browser game following these three steps:

  1. Create a fun browser game that showcases your brand.
  2. Publish the game on your website and on app stores.
  3. Make videos of the game and publish these on social media encouraging viewers to play the games.

Publishing a game on your own website might not initially increase your website traffic. You’d probably need to drive traffic to your website by promoting the game on social media.

However, if you publish the game on app stores, you could generate more interest in your brand and increase your website traffic for only the cost of the game.

Publishing browser games on Itch.io

Itch.io is a large gaming website. One of the biggest advantages of publishing a browser game on itch.io is that it takes the load off your own website and server. You also don’t need any technical know-how as their systems make it easy to publish a game there. Thousands of people visit itch.io daily, and if they find and play your game, you could increase your brand’s exposure without spending more money.

Publishing browsers games on app stores

Once a browser game is published on your own website, you could also list the game on Huawei App Gallery and Amazon App Store. Both these app stores are visited by thousands of cell phone and tablet users looking for games to play. If they find and play your games, it could increase the number of people visiting your website, thereby increasing your website’s popularity.

For example, in 2020 I published a game on Huawei App Gallery that drew some attention, and it tripled my number of daily website visitors. Four years later, people still play that game, and I still get website traffic from Huawei App Gallery.

In February 2024, Huawei App Gallery promoted one of my browser games again and gave me 500 more website visitors. Someone had given one of my games a 5-star rating, and Huawei automatically started showing the game listing to more people. This was a boost to my website traffic with no further input from my side.

Even if you don’t have a global brand, you could target certain countries when you publish the game on these app stores.

If you’re looking for a novel marketing idea, consider a browser game. It could help you get your brand across in a unique and fun way.

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